Spring equinox is a time of new beginnings, the promise of new life, and a perfect time to shed off any negative energy from the winter, release old habits and offer forgiveness to yourself and others to welcome new and beautiful things into your life.
This retreat day will start with welcoming you to our sanctuary within well house yoga. Surrounded by Mother Nature we start with a heart opening ceremony to connect with the Earth and ourselves. Renewing our connections with Mother Earth we can set some intentions for the year ahead.
Followed by some journaling or if you prefer time in nature, we then begin our yoga nidra journey to plant our seeds of intention for the year ahead and to deeply relax the body and mind. We will then flow onto an epic sound bath with 6 specifically tuned gongs to soothe and wrap you in beautiful sound waves before closing off our day and you being able to take away your personal goodie bag.
Please contact Jessica Lawton (jessiecacar@gmail.com) for further information.